Monday, December 29, 2014

What Happens After a DWI Charge?
What Happens After a DWI Charge?
If you’ve made the mistakes that have led to facing a DWI charge, you’ll already be aware of just how serious the crime can be. Penalties include losing your license, paying fines, and facing jail sentences.

The vast majority of those who are charged with DWI don’t actually fully understand what to expect after they’ve been charged. It’s important that you know all you can about your situation so you know what to expect and how to proceed. With that in mind, here’s a look at some of the things you should do after you’re charged with a DWI.

You’ll likely be arrested, so the first step will be posting bail or securing your release. After this, you’ll be given a court date. The most important thing you can do at this point is to find a good DWI attorney to help you.

The reason is simple – an attorney will help relieve the stress from your shoulders and give you a clear idea as to what all of your options are. In most cases, you’ll get the advice that you should enter a plea agreement. Pleading guilty will be admitting that you are guilty of the DWI, and will avoid a trial. As a result, most who plead guilty receive shorter sentences, smaller fines, and more. Most DWIs end with a guilty plea since the evidence is usually overwhelming.

However, just because most DWIs end with a guilty plea doesn’t mean that they all do. Your attorney will talk to you about all of your other options. There could be circumstances that lead to the case being dropped or dismissed or you may actually be able to prove that you’re not guilty. The only way to know for sure is to talk to a legal professional.

Once you set up a consultation with your attorney, they’ll go over your case with you. Doing so, they’ll figure out what all of your options are and then explain to you which ones are worth pursuing. Your case could take several different paths based on this – you could simply enter a plea, or you could go to trial. The length of time it will take to reach an outcome will depend on your situation as well, so it’s hard to say for certain just what you can expect where this is concerned.

If you’re charged with a DWI, you can expect a long road to closure. It’s important that you get help from an attorney as soon as possible after your charge so that they can start working for you.

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